You can generate a report to view all your submitted
To Generate Report:
Select Reports (fifth option) under the menu bar
on the top left
This option allows you to generate a report
based on a selected date range
Once you selected your date range at the top,
you can see the details of your submissions
Details include AWB numbers, transaction date
and time, transaction description (FRI – transaction sent as an “Add”, FRC
transaction sent as a “Change” and FRX - transaction sent as a “Cancel”), airline
and so on
There is an option to export the report to a CSV
file (click on “Export CSV” on the top right)
To view your FSN Request History: Select Freight Status Notification (FSN) (fourth option) under the menu bar on the top left and click on “Request History” This option allows you to view the FSNs you sent to CBP You can select your date range and ...
To view your FSQ Request History: Select Freight Status Query (FSQ) (third option) under the menu bar on the top left and click on “Request History” This option allows you to view the FSQs you sent to CBP You can select your date range and use ...
To access the consolidated view of your FSN/FSQ responses: Click on the Menu bar Select "FSQ/FSN History" option On your "FSN History" screen, you can select the date range & use different filters You can also click on the specific AWB # to view ...
To download your AMS Air eManifest report: Click on the menu bar and select "Reports"/ "Transactions" Select your date range Click on the "Export CSV" option The system will download the report in CSV format You can delete any columns you don't ...
You can access your ACE Air eManifest History under the menu option. Once you select the second menu option, it will display your ACE Air eManifest History. On this page, you can: Select/Modify your Date Range (today, last 7 days, last month, last 3 ...